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- *
- This file describes `Mostra' 1.08, a shareware IFF utility featuring
- real-time unpacking scroll, dozens of options, "smart" analysis of any
- IFF file (FORMs, LISTs,... also nested ILBM!), total control over
- display modes, simple slideshow processing, pattern matching,
- multipalette, double buffering, fast decompression, color cycling,
- TeXdocs, startup files for easy custom configurations and complete WB
- support.
- Introduction
- *************
- `Mostra' is an IFF ILBM viewer that can process *any* IFF ILBM file;
- this means not only IFF ILBM FORMs, but also nested ILBM, FTXT, FORMs,
- CATs, LISTs and PROPs. It has become reknown in the Amiga community for
- both its robustness and its flexibility.
- Any design requires tradeoffs: `Mostra' tries to give you a good
- balance of program size (less than 15K), speed (optimized assembler
- decompression routines) and features. It tries to be enough smart to
- have always reasonable defaults, but also lets you force any aspect of
- the display, such as resolution and video flags. While it is not
- possible to foresee every possible race condition, `Mostra' should be
- able to cope with any reasonable ILBM file.
- `Mostra' currently relies on ARP v39 in order to work. Thus, the
- `arp.library' file has to be in your `libs:' directory if you want to
- run `Mostra'. Otherwise, a message will be displayed, and `Mostra' will
- refuse to run. (Without ARP's powerful functions, `Mostra' would have
- never been released.) However, `Mostra' 2.0 will work only under
- Release 2 and will not need ARP.
- One of the major features in this release is support for
- multi-palette pictures, i.e., pictures with the new PCHG chunk which
- should substitute the old CTBL and SHAM chunks. See the `Changes.doc'
- file for additional informations. SHAM is still supported, but the
- support of CTBL pictures via external call has been dropped since it
- was shown to be unreliable.
- Syntax
- *******
- `Mostra' can be called both from the CLI and from the Workbench. It is
- also a pure program, i.e., it can be made resident.
- Command Line Usage
- ===================
- To get the command line syntax in AmigaDOS style, type:
- M ?
- This will produce the input template:
- Files/...,A=All/S,R=Repeat/S,Q=Quiet/S,NoFastDraw/S,
- C=Center/S,B=BlackBackground/S,W=Width/K,H=Height/K,Cycle/S,
- Secs/K,Fade/K,NO=NoStartup/S,Batch/K,LockPic/S,
- N=NoMouse/S,F=FreeMouse/S,LockKeys/S,NA=NoActivate/S,DB=DoubleBuffering/S,
- Hires/S,Lace/S,Lores/S,NoLace/S,HAM/S,Halfbrite/S
- If you ask for more help by typing `?' again, you will see:
- Mostra 1.08 (C) 1990,1991,1992 Sebastiano Vigna
- Usage: M <wildcards [...] | !> [All] [Repeat] [Quiet] [NoFastDraw]
- [Center] [BlackBackground] [Width n] [Height n] [Cycle]
- [Secs time] [Fade speed] [NoStartup] [Batch file] [LockPic]
- [NoMouse] [FreeMouse] [LockKeys] [NoActivate] [DoubleBuffering]
- [Hires | Lores] [Lace | NoLace] [HAM | Halfbrite]
- The same help is displayed if you call `Mostra' with no arguments.
- `Mostra''s first argument is a list of patterns (or file names) as
- long as you want; you will get every picture whose name matches one of
- the patterns.
- Alternatively, you can type only the `!' character, and `Mostra'
- will display the ARP file requester, allowing you to search for the
- picture you want to show.
- Workbench Usage
- ================
- When `Mostra' is called from Workbench without any argument icon, it
- will pop the file requester and will allow you to select pictures to
- show until you select `Cancel' or close the file requester window.
- Alternatively, you can SHIFT-select multiple icons together with
- `Mostra''s one, or you can change the default tool of your pictures.
- For details about this, see Startup Tool Types. Note that if you select
- an IFF CAT or LIST you will have an automatic little slideshow.
- Keyboard Usage
- ===============
- Once you are looking at the picture you selected, you can exit by
- moving the mouse pointer to the very top of the screen and pressing the
- right button (you can also press the RETURN, SPACE or ESCAPE keys). You
- can drag or depth arrange the screen with the left mouse button (the
- gadget(s) are invisible, but they really are there!). TAB will toggle
- on/off color cycling. To stop pattern matching or IFF scanning use
- `CTRL-C' at any moment.
- If the screen size is less than the size of the picture, you can
- move around with cursor keys alone (moving by 8 pixels) or in
- combination with the SHIFT (a screenful minus 16 pixels), ALT (which
- brings you to the borders), or CTRL (16 pixels) keys. A noteworthy
- feature of `Mostra' is that the picture is *not* decrunched all at one
- time in a very large chunk of memory; instead, a fast LM routine
- decrunches the file in real-time every time you move (the routine could
- be faster, but it has lots of controls to get rid of damaged IFF BODY
- chunks; safety always first). This is not as fast as the memory-eating
- method, but I think it's *much* better. Very large pictures (like
- 800x900) will be shown in a full screen (generated on the fly at
- Workbench size) which you can move around. Overscan pictures will
- retain their size of it's not greater than 362x283 lo-res pixels
- (362x241 on a NTSC Amiga). For hi-res pictures, there is also a 704
- pixel width limit due to Intuition (724 under Release 2). Small brushes
- will be shown in a minimum 256x128 pixel screen. Of course, moving
- vertically with multi-palette pictures involves a high system overhead,
- since Copper lists are continuously built and deleted.
- A weird effect of this method is that you can see pictures that
- can't even be *loaded* into your Amiga. Let's suppose you have a really
- crunched picture; the BODY chunk and a 256x256 lo-res screen could take
- much less space than the decrunched picture, so you could create
- pictures that only `Mostra' could let you see in all of their parts.
- Why you would want to do this, well, that's another matter.
- Options
- ========
- This list describes all the options available in `Mostra'. The
- letters between parentheses denote availability of a shortening.
- Options can be put anywhere on the command line, or in Tool Types (see
- Startup Tool Types).
- `All (A)'
- forces a recursive scan of all of the subdirectories during the
- wildcard search.
- `Repeat (R)'
- will endlessly restart from the first pattern when it has finished
- with the last; if you used the `!' line arguments, the file
- requester will pop up after every picture until you `Cancel' or
- close.
- `Quiet (Q)'
- turns off all messages except in case of error.
- `NoFastDraw'
- leaves the program at priority 0; by default, `Mostra' will
- surround the BODY decrunching operations with a `SetTaskPri(1)'.
- This will not lock the system, but in a multitasking situation
- `Mostra' will perform quickly when needed.
- `Center (C)'
- will force the screen to be centered (640x200 pictures on PAL
- screens look so ugly...) and will use overscan if necessary. Note
- that if you move the screen, and you are not under Release 2, the
- centering will go away.
- `BlackBackground (B)'
- will create a 0-bitplane black screen that will stay until you saw
- the last picture. This is for aesthetic purposes only (note that
- no Chip memory will be used).
- `Width (W)'
- `Height (H)'
- want an argument that specifies a dimension of the viewing screen.
- However, `Mostra' is an intelligent program, and will almost always
- find the correct screen by itself. *Warning*: dimensions allowed
- are from 64 to 1024, at your own risk. Your Amiga won't crash, but
- weird things can happen...
- `Cycle'
- will automatically activate color cycling on every picture.
- Usually this happens only by request, through TAB.
- `Secs'
- must be followed by a number between 0 and 1000 (the zero delay
- was a request from a BIXen). `Mostra' will display each picture
- for the number of seconds specified, but you can skip using the
- mouse or the keyboard as usual (see Keyboard Usage) or stop the
- show with `CTRL-C'. Cursor keys are disabled. Greatly reworked on
- Warren's request.
- `Fade'
- lets you specify a speed for pictures to fade in and out. Valid
- numbers are 1 to 4, with four the slowest. Note that HAM pictures
- can't be faded.
- `NoMouse (N)'
- will hide the mouse pointer while `Mostra' is displaying a picture.
- `FreeMouse (F)'
- will let you pass from one picture to another by clicking either
- of the mouse buttons at any position on the screen.
- `LockKeys'
- will discard any input from the keyboard during the display. You
- must use the mouse to pass to the following picture. Note that if
- `FreeMouse' is not activated, the only way to go is clicking the
- right mouse button while the mouse pointer is at the top of the
- screen.
- `LockPic'
- will lock the picture displayed. You won't be able to scroll
- around, but the memory in which the file is loaded will be
- immediately freed after the decompression, thus minimizing the
- memory usage.
- `NoActivate (NA)'
- will inhibit the activation of the picture screens, so you can
- keep on typing on your current screen. This was a request from Tom.
- `DoubleBuffering (DB)'
- sets a double buffering show mode: while a new picture is being
- loaded you will see the old one, no Workbench pop-up or black
- screens. It eats lots of memory, too. Again, a request from Tom.
- (Note: it's canceled if you call the file requester.)
- `Hires'
- `Lores'
- `Lace'
- `NoLace'
- `HAM'
- `HalfBrite'
- force all screens to be in the respective mode (note that if
- `Mostra' finds a six bitplane picture with no CAMG chunk, it won't
- set the `HAM' flag by default). These flags are dumb, that is,
- they will do exactly what you say, even if it is meaningless.
- However, if you use both `HalfBrite' and `HAM' together, only the
- former will take place.
- The `NoStartup' and `Batch' options will be discussed later, in
- Startup Files.
- Examples
- =========
- And now, some examples:
- M MyPics:* Secs 5 Fade 1 NoMouse BlackBackground Repeat Center All
- will generate a slide show of the pictures in the `MyPics:' directory
- and in all its subdirectories, centered and with no mouse pointer
- hanging around. In order to stop the slide show, you must press
- `CTRL-C'.
- M df0:*.image df0:pictures/*.pic Hires Lace
- will show the files ending with `.image' in the directory `df0:' and
- the files ending with `.pic' in the directory `df0:pictures'. `Mostra'
- will be forced to use high resolution, interlaced screens. Setting the
- `Hires' flag on pictures with more than 4 bitplanes usually leads you
- to see absolutely nothing.
- M dh0:hirespic Lores NoLace
- will show a hi-res picture in lo-res ("zooming in"). You can move
- around with the cursor keys as described above.
- `Width' and `Height' can be useful when you have a picture that
- cannot be displayed because there's not enough Chip RAM (you get the
- `Can't open Screen' error message). In such a case, try:
- M pic Width 128 Height 128
- This will usually allow you to at least get a peek at something.
- Advanced Features
- ******************
- For maximum flexibility, `Mostra' allows you to use "startup files"
- and "startup Tool Types", with which you can configure the program to
- suit your tastes.
- Startup Files
- ==============
- There is a standard startup file, called `S:Startup-Mostra'.
- `Mostra' will search for it when run from the CLI. The format of this
- file is *exactly* the same as the `Mostra''s line format minus the
- command name. Commands may be spread out over several lines or gathered
- together onto a single line. Every switch or keyword in the startup file
- will act as a default, and will be toggled or superseded by any command
- line arguments. Command line switches will act as toggles (if your
- startup file has the keyword `All' and you say `M * All', you *won't* go
- into subdirectories), while keywords simply assert the new value (if you
- have `Fade 1' in your startup file and you say `Fade 3' in the command
- line, your pictures will be faded at speed 3).
- Two options concern startup files:
- `NoStartup (NO)'
- inhibits the search for startup files, useful if you have one and
- you want to specify your options from scratch.
- `Batch'
- wants a complete path/filename that `Mostra' will use as startup
- file.
- Startup Tool Types
- ===================
- From the Workbench side, you can write the startup options in the
- Tool Types of `Mostra''s icon, and it will use them. The format is the
- same of `Startup-Mostra'. Please note that `Fade=1', `Width=352' are
- valid, but `FreeMouse=ON' is not; use only `FreeMouse'.
- Or you can set the first Tool Type of a project icon to `STARTUP' and
- put your options in the following lines; the project picture file will
- be shown with those options when you double-click its icon. You can do
- the same thing with an icon that has no related file, and put some
- wildcards in the Tool Type. The wildcards will then be shown with those
- options. If you don't put in wildcards, you get a "style" icon; you can
- SHIFT-click some icons, `SHIFT'-click the "style" icon (in *this*
- order) and then SHIFT-double-click `Mostra''s icon (or directly
- SHIFT-double-click the last icon, if its default tool is `Mostra'):
- you will see the selected picture files with the options specified in
- the style icon. The style icon by itself will pop up the file
- requester. Please note that even an icon with wildcards can be used as a
- style icon because multiple selections supersede wildcards.
- I know, it seems a little twisted, but using it you'll find,
- instead, that it's the way you'd think.
- *Warning*: strange interactions can take place. If you have some
- picture icons, and you SHIFT-click all but one of them and then you
- SHIFT-double-click the last one *and* the last picture icon you clicked
- had some `STARTUP' options, you will see *all* of the pictures with
- those options. Right?
- For curious/tech/interested people, here is the exact algorithm:
- 1. If `sm_NumArgs>1' (the user started `Mostra' with al least an icon
- argument), check if `sm_ArgList[1]' (the first real argument) has
- Tool Types with first Tool Type `STARTUP'. If so, scan the whole
- Tool Types list like a command line, accepting mixed commands on a
- single Tool Type as well as separated commands in separated Tool
- Types.
- 2. If the first step goes wrong, check the `Mostra' icon Tool Types,
- and take them as a command line. (Note: `STARTUP' is not
- requested.)
- 3. Now, if `sm_NumArgs>1', check every `sm_ArgList[i]' with `i>0' and
- if there is a related file (*not* a `.info' file!) generate a list
- of arguments as if the user entered them manually, *superseding*
- eventual filenames/wildcards found in the previous steps.
- Startup Examples
- =================
- Now, examples, by means of common problems:
- * "I have a hundred pictures on my 360M hard disk, and I've organized
- them in a few groups. How can I make simple slideshows, with each
- group separate?"
- Simple: create a project icon for each group, and add a Tool Type
- `STARTUP'. Then add a Tool Type like `PICS:Group1/* All Secs 5
- Center' to choose your options, set the default tool to `C:M' (or
- wherever you put it) and double-click (of course, this must be
- done with every group icon). Don't give the icons the same name as
- a directory, or `Mostra' will collapse in confusion.
- * "I want to always see the black screen when I start from WB."
- Set a `Mostra' Tool Type to `BlackBackground'.
- * "I have some pictures. Sometimes I want to see a few of them with a
- full screen and no mouse, sometimes with a 128x128 screen,
- sometimes centered."
- Create three "style" icons. Each icon must have as its first Tool
- Type `STARTUP', and the following ones must be something like
- `NoMouse', `Width 128 Height 128' and `Center'. The default tool
- must be `C:M'. When you want to see in a certain style,
- `SHIFT'-click the picture icons and *then* `SHIFT'-double-click
- the style icon you desire.
- * "I like to click my pics one at a time, each one with different
- options. I'd like also to see them in irregular groups, each
- picture with its options."
- You need a psycho-analyst, not `Mostra'.
- Acknowledgments
- ****************
- I wish to thank some people, first of all the ARP team for the
- arp.library and the SAS team for the best Amiga C compiler. Speed and
- compactness of `Mostra' come from the fabulous 5.10b release. Also I
- would like to thank the people that encouraged me someway or helped me
- to find bugs, in particular Warren Block, Tom Rokicki, Christopher A.
- Wichura and Loren Wilton.
- If you're reading this, you probably have access to a TeX system.
- Anyway, if you spent a good part of your time preparing and printing
- documents, I'd suggest you to take a look at AmigaTeX, a wonderful
- package from Radical Eye Software which is probably the best
- implementation of TeX you can find on any computer.
- `Mostra' is (C) 1990,1991,1992 Sebastiano Vigna and it's not public
- domain: it is shareware. You should send me $20 (or more, why not?) if
- you find it useful. Please don't send checks drawn on a US bank, they're
- almost impossible to cash. I'd prefer postal money orders, currency or
- checks drawn on an italian bank (in this order). `Mostra' is freely
- distributable as long as all of its files are included in their original
- form without additions, deletions, or modifications of any kind, and
- only a nominal fee is charged for its distribution. This software is
- provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or
- implied. By using `Mostra', you agree to accept the entire risk as to
- the quality and performance of the program.
- Comments, complaints, desiderata are welcome.
- Author Info
- ************
- Sebastiano Vigna
- Via California 22
- I-20144 Milano MI
- BIX: svigna
- INTERNET: vigna@imiucca.csi.unimi.it
- vigna@ghost.sm.dsi.unimi.it
- UUCP:cbmehq!cbmita!sebamiga!seba@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com
- ...{uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!cbmehq!cbmita!sebamiga!seba
- FIDO: 2:332/607.28